Dubai World Expo 2020
The exhibition design for the Finnish pavilion at the World Expo Dubai is based on the experience of Finnish winter and society. The pavilion was designed by JKMM Architects under the name “Snow Cape” and the exhibition is a continuum of a dark and shadowy space where colors are stripped away from the space and exhibition fixtures. Video content shows a storyline of Finnish society from the viewpoint of a person growing up in Finland. The interdisciplinary project was a fruitful collaboration between the design team of all four companies. Dubai World Expo was postponed to 2021.
Business Finland
Exhibition design
Dubai, UAE
600 m2
Teemu Seppänen, Iikka Airas, Fanni Suvila, Sami Markkula
Light, Video and Audio design: Sun Effects Oy, Video content production design: Flatlight Creative Oy, Architectural design: JKMM Architects Oy, Photography: Marc Goodwin